A Sentimental Tuesday at the Shop

As Luke and I were getting ready for work this morning it occurred to me that today was such a sweet poignant day. Two years ago I opened the doors at this little shop and today he opens the doors to his new shop right across the street from me. 

Since the day I moved into this building I have been day dreaming about who my neighbor would be but in all honesty, I could have never imagined that it would be the most awesome record shop in Dayton! It feels like a match made in heaven on earth! It is so ideal in so many ways not just for Luke and I but I think also for Dayton, and specifically the Historic Inner East. 

When Luke and I travel you might be able to figure out that he usually wants to shop for records. In those moments when we show up to the record store of choice I am always hoping there will be an adorable shop or cafe within walking distance for me to enjoy while he browses the bins. Rarely is this true. The fact that we have now created this scenario for our little city just tickles me to no end. We joked about how the window seating at the original Skeleton Dust Records was the "bored girlfriend bench" but now the bored girlfriends can come to Pink Moon Goods, if they would like to not hang out in the record store while their partner shops.  

Needless to say, a day like today when the stars feel aligned and all seems right in ones little bubble of the world, despite all of the craziness and sadness and tragedy in the great big wide world, it is easy to feel sentimental and to have a heart full of gratitude. 

To anyone who has been to the shop, trusted me in helping you find the perfect gift or home good for yourself, brought a friend to see the shop, vended at my shop, had a playdate with a little one in your life at the shop, brought me flowers or a treat, stopped by to say hi, attended one of our events, or shared a post or story about the shop with your pals I want to say THANK YOU! I would not be able to do this very satisfying and pleasant job I get to do everyday without YOU! 

On that note: shop hours are changing to the following: Tuesday - Friday, 11am-6pm, and Saturday, 12-6pm. 

Keep an eye out for the Grand Opening/Shopiversary Celebration on September 21!

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