Nail Brush | Lovisa Wattman Design
Nail Brush | Lovisa Wattman Design
Iris Hantverk

Nail Brush | Lovisa Wattman Design

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This beautifully crafted nail brush is made from oil treated oak and tampico fibre. The double-sided nail brush is both stylish and comfortable to hold.T ampico fibre is elastic and waterproof with a certain stiffness but without becoming all too hard which makes the material nice and handy for cleaning the hands and nails. The shorter stiffer bristles on the top of the brush will effectively access and remove dirt from under the nail.  

Designed by Lovisa Wattman who prioritizes long term use of a product as important to the design both in terms of product function, durability and shape. Lovisa's own approach to consumption is characterized by the fact that the products you choose will last for a long time, and that the form of the product will be appreciated during that whole time. How things are to be used and managed will be the starting point in the design, functions are turned into beautiful form.


  • 4" long, 1.75" wide, 1.5" tall
  • Made from oiled oak and tampico fibers
  • Made in Sweden by a visually impaired person

Meet the Makers 

In the late 1900s century a small brush manufacturing started out in Stockholm with a mission to give "hand-made" a new meaning. It was a successful movement so successful that it remains today. Now, as then, every brush is made by hand by visually impaired craftsmen. It brings new dimensions to the concept of sensitively made by hand.

The vision that drives Iris Hantverk is to revive the traditional brush binding profession by making functional products with good design combined with the quality of natural materials and the craftsmen's solid technique.

All Iris Hantverk brushes are of exclusive design and made mostly from natural materials.  They believe that many people appreciate the feeling and quality of a hand drawn brush made of natural materials and will find value in the survival of the brush binding manufacturing.